Get financial advice

At AustralianSuper you can access tailored, comprehensive financial advice from professional, qualified advisers. Register your enquiry and one of our AustralianSuper team members will be in touch to arrange a meeting, or you can review our network of financial advisers below.

Not ready for comprehensive advice?

You can speak with an advice team member for Simple Personal Advice¹ on your AustralianSuper account, including investment choice, adding extra to your super, personal insurance, retirement income options and more, call 1300 300 273.

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AustralianSuper collects your personal information (PI) to help you find an adviser. If we can't collect your PI we may not be able to provide this service. We will only share your PI where necessary so you can be contacted by the selected adviser.

For complete details on how we may use your information, please see our Privacy Policy.
